Tamarisk Senior Living is home to the nationally-recognized Renaissance Memory Care Program, a special wing for seniors with dementia or cognitive issues. Our team of experts and medical staff are dedicated to personalized care for each resident and are acutely aware of the challenges family members face when living with a loved one with dementia. They put together this list of 10 tips for living with dementia for us to share:
- Agree, never argue.
- Divert, never reason.
- Distract, never shame.
- Reassure, never lecture.
- Reminisce, never say “remember…”
- Repeat, never say “I told you…”
- Do what they can do, never say “You can’t…”
- Ask, never demand.
- Encourage, never condescend.
- Reinforce, never force.
Patience and encouragement are everything when caring for your family. Learn more about the memory care program at Tamarisk Senior Living for more ideas. If you’d like to speak with someone about dementia or our memory care program, Call or Email Leigh-Ann Renfro at 401-384-7596 or Leigh-AnnR@Tamariskri.org