Read testimonials from our residents, family and staff of Tamarisk Senior Living


“We want to thank you and the entire staff at Tamarisk for all the care and love that mom received during her almost 13 years as a resident. We always knew that she was safe, secure, and treated with dignity. We are extremely grateful.”

— Family of Tamarisk Resident

People playing chess

“My mom moved to Renaissance Memory Care and dad to traditional Assisted Living at Tamarisk – This presented certain challenges as they were functioning at different levels. At every step of the way, their medical, psychological, physical, nutritional, and spiritual integrity were top priorities of the entire staff. My mother has found new friends, loves food, and is participating in a wide range of stimulating activities. My father received physical therapy for reconditioning, enjoys newfound dining partners and friends, and is encouraged to visit my mother and continue their relationship in a way which is therapeutic to both. I would highly recommend Tamarisk to anyone searching for highly skilled, kind and compassionate care of their loved one.”

— Tamarisk Resident’s Daughter

A woman holding hands

“To all who answer the call at Tamarisk during isolation, lock-down, call it what you will…You have shown us how much you care. Rain, sleet, snow or heat you answer the summons when you are needed. You are here, you anticipate our request before we ask, you deliver with a smile, showing us, you go the extra proverbial mile. What you do here often exceeds “job” descriptions, and that kind of care needs no prescription. We thank you all for what you do and hope you know how much we appreciate each one of you. I know I speak for all the residents. I do so with complete confidence.”

— Tamarisk Resident


“My mother has been at Tamarisk for almost four years now and has thrived since arriving. Although she was not initially happy about giving up her independence at age 94 and moving from the home that she loves, the move to Tamarisk has had wonderful benefits for her. Gone is the loneliness and isolation-replaced by new friendships, mental stimulation, and loving care. Seeing her at the top of her game has made us, her family, thrilled to bits!!! My entire family and I will be forever grateful!”

— Tamarisk Resident’s Daughter


“Sylvia lived to 99 and Norma to 95…strong and independent they could be amusing and difficult at the same time. But to the credit of the dedicated staff, who understood the emotional side of losing independence and becoming frailer, they were treated with dignity and respect. The staff were a source of strength and comfort to us and guided us through the difficulties we were going through trying to understand the aging process. When Norma became very ill and needed extra care, she was able to stay in her apartment. Her care consisted of her private aides, Hospice nursing and the dedicated Tamarisk Wellness staff. This group of wonderful, caring, talented providers embraced Norma in the last months of her life allowing her to be in her home with the people who knew her and loved her. Norma’s Rhode Island family will forever be grateful to the Tamarisk staff for all that was done to make Tamarisk a “home” for Norma and Sylvia Goldman in their last years.”

— Family of Tamarisk Residents

A caring handshake

“We want to thank you and your team for all you did for our mother during her respite stay at Tamarisk this past month. From our first conversation and then meeting, we were impressed and felt that Tamarisk was a safe, good place for our mother. As you know, we were apprehensive, and you took the time and care to allay our fears and concerns. We will not hesitate to entrust mom to your care again when we travel in the future.”

— Family of Tamarisk Resident

A woman smiling

“My mother has been a very happy and content resident of Tamarisk Assisted Living for almost 7 years. Even though her needs have changed over time, Tamarisk has met them all skillfully and efficiently. What stands out in my mind about Tamarisk is the very personal level of care. My mother receives genuine love and respect from ALL staff members of Tamarisk daily. Each and every one of the staff became my mother’s “family”. During the worst of times, Tamarisk provided a safe haven for my mother which I am so grateful for. Thank you, Tamarisk, for bringing a smile to my face and joy in my heart when I think about the care given to my mother.”

— Family of Tamarisk Resident